Libertarians and conservatives alike should welcome same-sex marriage as a celebration of individual autonomy and the institution of family.
By David Kraft, Political Editor.
Opposition to gay marriage is inconsistent with fundamental libertarian values. How people choose to construct the legal nature of their relationships with each other is a matter for the parties themselves and no-one else. Whatever we may personally think of how other people choose to lead their lives, a fundamental principle of libertarianism is that we do not assume any right to impose our beliefs on others (from this also follows that libertarians do not support any law that compels non-state institutions to perform gay marriages if they do not want to).
The primary focus of this piece will therefore be to try bring some reluctant conservatives around to supporting the legalisation of same-sex marriage. In doing so I wish to prompt them to examine three assumptions that typically underpin their resistance: (1) It is inconsistent with religious belief; (2) It will devalue the institution of marriage; and (3) It will corrupt and deprave. Continue reading